FASD Support Services

Are you diagnosed with FASD or suspected of having FASD? Are you a caregiver of someone with FASD? We offer PCAP and FASD support services in Hinton, Edson and Jasper. We can also HELP with having an assessment for a FASD diagnosis; and support, transportation and funding associated with going through clinic during the assessment. Would your organization like to learn more about FASD? We can provide a presentation by zoom or in-person.

PCAP Program

FASD is a lifelong and often invisible disability caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol.  In partnership with the Northwest Central FASD  Network, HELP provides supports, services and education in all areas of FASD.   Services are  provided in  Hinton,  Edson, Jasper and surrounding  areas.   HELP facilitates PCAP (Parent Child Assistance Program) and the FASD Mentorship Program.

The goals of PCAP are to support women to reduce or stop alcohol and/or drug use during pregnancy, to achieve and maintain recovery, and to support healthy pregnancies and lives for women and their children. We do this by addressing the needs of mothers and getting them stabilized in a whole host of ways: 
  •       Support participants to reduce or stop alcohol and/or drug use during pregnancy
  •       Achieve and maintain recovery
  •       Support healthy pregnancies and lives for the participants and their children
  •       Support community connections

We work with woman to identify and overcome challenges that they face in their lives, including issues related to addiction treatment, guardianship of children, legal trouble, family planning, housing, training, education and anything else that is important to the woman.

PCAP Mentors provide extensive practical assistance and the long term emotional support so important to women who are making fundamental changes in their lives. The program provides on-going, non-judgemental support for up to three years.

Services are voluntary, free and confidential. 

PCAP Mentors assist individuals to:

– Address complex problems associated with substance abuse
– Set goals and identify steps to achieve them
–  Connect with community services providers
– Enhance parenting skills
– Access treatment and maintain stability

FASD Mentorship Program

     Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is caused by a woman consuming alcohol while pregnant – the fetus is exposed directly to alcohol through her bloodstream. Alcohol can interfere with the growth and development of all fetal body systems; however, the developing central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) is especially vulnerable to the damaging effects of alcohol. These effects, which can vary from mild to severe, may include physical, mental, behavioural, and/or learning disabilities with lifelong implications. There is no cure, but early and appropriate supports can make a positive impact and improve outcomes for individuals with FASD.

FASD affects individuals from all socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. FASD is a ‘spectrum’ disorder because it crosses every sector of the population and affects different people in different ways.

Affecting an estimated nine out of every 1,000 babies born in Canada, FASD is a complex social and public health issue. An estimated 36,000 Albertans are living with FASD.

FASD is preventable. There is no safe amount or type of alcoholic beverage, and no safe time to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Pregnant women are advised not to drink any alcohol during pregnancy. 

We provide one-to-one mentorship for individuals who may be prenatally exposed to drugs and/or alcohol, possible resulting in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Services are voluntary, free, and confidential.

FASD Mentors work with participants to:

  1. Develop strategies to build effective social and life skills

  2. Develop and implement personal goals

  3. Connect to other community programs and services

  4. Work with the individual’s circle of influence, including family, caregivers, educators and service providers.

Contact Mallory at 780-865-1686 (office) or 780-817-4592 (cell) for more information, or to refer to our program.